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...interested in exploring
"travel is fatal to prejudice"

aged 5 told I would never be an artist

I did other things

I travelled and enjoyed  other careers; discovering an artist teacher in Patagonia who put me on my painting path- for which I'm hugely thankful. My lessons were in Argentinian Spanish while drinking a shared matte cup passed from person to person.

After being a passive observer and lover of art I feel very lucky to be painting. 
With little formal art education, learning by doing- working alongside artists in Patagonia, Easter Island, The Galapagos Islands, Cuba, Cornwall, Spain and Sussex.
I use my creative exploration in other ways, and am an inventor- currently taking my first product to market with Lime Banana Ltd. I have two apps on test currently having designed and produced all of the graphics.
I'm also gathering ten years of research into written form and writing a surreal account of nature and its characters.

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App writing and websites- graphics and content 

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other careers 

Self employed for over 20 years in health care, co-opening and managing a natural health clinic and working with doctors. Unravelling a patient's health issues to find the cause can be very complex; requiring skill, patience and a very solution focussed mindset. Every person is different, requiring a creative approach to what will work best for them in a heart felt wish that they become well. Opening the clinic was a creative leap- from designing personalised operating systems for the team, to choosing and hands on doing the interior decor and furnishings. 

15 years in hospitality management- mostly 5 star hotels and long stay hospitals. Lecturer in applied business studies, degree course writing and implementing. Creative lesson delivery and programme design.  Consultant to the English Tourist Board.

Co-wrote educational computer games to integrate all of the students subjects into meaningful IT programmes.


Marketing Manager for the University of Bristol- team to set up the commercial arm. Creative look at what could be done commercially and all of the brochure design and recordings.


Explored South America on my own to travel, walk, appreciate beauty, see other cultures, enjoy life, find courage and investigate some of the research I’d been doing for my travel device.  Also discovered my love of painting. Changed my perspective.


Lived in Cornwall for a year and gained a distinction in a foundation diploma in fine art. Found additional part time courses to attend. Enjoyed the company of good people in Cornwall.


Volunteered on a boat building project then with these skills converted my little white van into a mobile studio. Lived in Spain in my van for a year to apprentice with artists.


Relocated to dedicate myself to my business project, painting, nature and the other things that are important.


I once imagined my next breath was my last. It's an interesting thing to do.



2015 Truman Brewery, Brick Lane, London  NINE ARTISTS

Worthing Art Galley and Museum  SEEKING THE IMAGE

The Old Fire Station, Tonbridge.   FIRE AND WATER

Brighton Artists Open Houses, Studio 106, Hove

May weekends


June 23rd-26th. International Art Fair,   Tunbridge Wells

October 5th-11th  Brick Lane, Truman Brewery, London

2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022

May weekends- Brighton Artists Open Houses, Studio 106, Hove

2022- Katherine Richards Art Gallery, Hove

thank you for looking at my web site.

avis lane willan

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